FASP Historian

FASP Historian

First established under Jim Rockwell's presidency in 1984-85 with the appointment of John Wells as the first FASP Historian, who served through the 1996-97 year, the Historian maintains the John Wells/FASP Historical Archives and communicates the history of FASP to its members.

Donna Berghauser, FASP Historian

FASP Past Presidents

1957-1958: Drs. Robert M. Allen, Thelma G. Voorhis (Co-Chair)
1958-1959: Dr. Thelma G. Voorhis
1959-1960: Dr. Walter D. Smith
1960-1961: Dr. Arthur Combs
1961-1962: Mrs. Dicksie P. Mitchell
1962-1963: Dr. Ralph L. Witherspoon
1963-1964: Mrs. Olpha Brown
1964-1965: Dr. John Demming
1965-1966: Dr. Willard Nelson
1966-1967: Dr. Robert G. Wieland
1967-1968: Dr. Don Driggs
1968-1969: Dr. Warner Metz
1969-1970: Dr. J. David O'Dea
1970-1971: Dr. James Robinson
1971-1972: Dr. Nathan Farber
1972-1973: Dr. Charles Madsen
1973-1974: Dr. Robert Klein
1974-1975: Mr. Jim Eikeland
1975-1976: Dr. O. Glenn Geiger
1976-1977: Dr. Kelly Livesay
1977-1978: Dr. John Taylor
1978-1979: Mr. William Alexander
1979-1980: Dr. Robert E. Anderson
1980-1981: Mr. Nick Mystic
1981-1982: Dr. Bonnie Engel
1982-1983: Mr. Joe Jackson
1983-1984: Dr. Ralph Bailey
1984-1985: Dr. Jim Rockwell
1985-1986: Dr. Caroline Barnard
1986-1987: Dr. David Mealor
1987-1988: Ms. Susan Barnes
1988-1989: Mrs. Faye Henderson
1989-1990: Mr. Tom Buchanan
1990-1991: Mrs. Kathy Leighton
1991-1992: Dr. Joseph Tamburino
1992-1993: Ms. Nancy Reichstetter
1993-1994: Dr. James Woodward
1994-1995: Mr. Ray Gadd
1995-1996: Ms. Pam Taylor
1996-1997: Dr. Gene Cash
1997-1998: Dr. Philip Lazarus
1998-1999: Mr. William J. Donelson
1999-2000: Mrs. Lisa Coffey
2000-2001: Mr. Clark Dorman
2001-2002: Mrs. Lori Glassman
2002-2003: Ms. Freda Reid
2003-2004: Ms. Mary Alice Myers
2004-2005: Mr. Hamilton "Kip" Emery
2005-2006: Dr. Terrence Vaccaro
2006-2007: Dr. Bob Templeton
2007-2008: Mr. Joshua Lutz
2008-2009: Mr. Bradford Underhill
2009-2010: Mr. Mark Neely
2010-2011: Ms. Monica Oganes
2011-2012: Mr. Joseph Jackson
2012-2013: Dr. Rance Harbor
2013-2014: Mr. Geoffrey Freebern
2014-2015: Dr. Troy Loker
2015-2016: Ms. Lisa Perez
2016-2017: Dr. Nikki Sutton
2017-2018: Dr. Donna Berghauser
2018-2019: Mr. Nicholas Cutro
2019-2020: Dr. Angel Canto
2020-2021: Ms. Lauren Parker
2021-2022: Dr. Angela Mann
Current: Ms. Paula Lewis


Reflections of Our Legacy

Debbie L. Jackson

A tribute to Dr. J. David O'Dea, the 13th president of FASP and creator of the method in which the Florida Association of School Psychologists continues to communicate member to member.

Dr. O'Dea served as the president of FASP from 1967-1968. The 1960's were turbulent times for our country and state. The civil rights movement was prevalent and we were engulfed in the Vietnam War as well as the public school teacher's strike in the state of Florida. All of these historical events had a profound impact on school psychologists as well as other educational personnel. During such perilous times, Dr. O'Dea realized the need for psychologists to have a format in which vital, relevant, and important issues of the profession could be disseminated to the members of the organization.

Dr. O'Dea's foresight and innovativeness evolved into the FASP Newsletter. The first newsletter was produced in November of 1969. Dr. O'Dea has graciously provided FASP with one of our most prominent artifacts, an original Volume 1, Number 1, newsletter, which was proudly displayed at the Trade Show of the FASP 2002 Conference.

The FASP Newsletter is a highly distinguished accomplishment of Dr. O'Dea's legacy as well as his diversified professional and community affiliations and honors. A synopsis of Dr. O'Dea's experience and associations include: Educational Consultant, Associate Professor at Florida State University, Specializations in Individual Behavior and Psychotherapy and Personnel and Industrial Psychology. Dr. O'Dea holds life memberships with American Psychological Association and American Personnel and Guidance Association. He is listed in Who's Who in the South and Southwest, Who's Who in American Education, Florida Lives, Personalities of the South, and Outstanding Floridians.

Retirement has not curtailed Dr. O'Dea's involvement with community associations. He is a member of the Dunedin Historical Society, Life member of Friends of the Library, Life member of the Elks Club, member of the Chamber of Commerce since the 1960's and an Alumni Booster Club member of Florida State University just to cite a few affiliations.

Dr. O'Dea resides in Dunedin, Florida; he is married, has no children and is thoroughly enjoying his "not so retired" status.

Dr. O'Dea we salute and thank you for your outstanding contributions to our profession and organization. You are indeed a pioneer and trailblazer. Your legacy lives on!