FASP Awards


The Awards Committee develops categories, criteria, and selection procedures to recognize exemplary programs, projects, and professionals in school psychology.

Rochelle Poole, FASP Awards Chair

Each year at FASP's Annual Conference, the Awards Committee has the opportunity to recognize the contributions of individuals and programs that promote the well-being of children and advance the field of School Psychology. The success of the FASP Awards Program has been the result of the nominations made by FASP members over the years. We continue to honor outstanding School Psychologists and services through nominations in the following categories:

The Outstanding Supervisors of Practicum and Internship Students Award recognizes an outstanding supervisor of practicum and/or internships in our state who supports the professional development of graduate students/interns by serving as a field supervisor at the practicum or internship level.

The School Psychologist of the Year Award honors a Florida School Psychologist who best demonstrates professional responsibility, growth, and leadership.

The School Psychologist of the Year - Early Career recognizes an outstanding school psychologist in our state in his or her first five years of employment following graduation who exemplifies professional responsibility, growth, and leadership

The Administrator of the Year Award honors a district administrator who supports the professional practice of School Psychology.

The Outstanding Service Delivery in the Practice of School Psychology Award honors a School Psychology department, area, region, or unit that demonstrates a high level of sustained excellence in developing a traditional or non-traditional program of general service delivery to meet the varied needs of their clients.

The Innovative Program in the Practice of School Psychology Award recognizes a new, non-traditional program or approach that is effectively designed to address a particular need of students and/or teachers.

FASP also acknowledges the accomplishments of school psychology students through the following student awards: FASP Graduate Studies Award - Specialist Level, FASP Graduate Studies Award - Doctoral Level, FASP Graduate Studies Award - Faye Henderson Exemplary Leadership Award for Minority Students.

Please consider nominating a colleague, student, administrator, or program for a FASP Award this year! 

Nominations can be made online and will be accepted until 11:59 pm ET on September 5, 2024.