FASP Training & Credentialing

FASP's Training & Credentialing

FASP's Training & Credentialing articulates and promotes the acquisition of relevant knowledge bases and the development of applied competencies and experiences needed for the smooth transition of students between school psychology training programs and applied settings. FASP's Training & Credentialing coordinates and disseminates relevant and current information about district school boards and their psychological services departments to faculties of school psychology training programs and students in training.

Valerie Buckley, FASP Training & Credentialing Chair

What We Do
The Florida Association of School Psychology (FASP) Training and Credentialing (T & C) committee serves as a liaison between FASP and Florida's eight graduate training programs in school psychology. Some of our major tasks include working to improve the graduate education of school psychologists in Florida, providing information regarding school psychology certification and licensure in Florida, accumulating and disseminating information about financial assistance for graduate students, monitoring the availability and the quality of internship sites, and articulating and promoting the knowledge bases and competencies necessary for a smooth transition of students from the graduate education programs into applied practice settings.

Certification and Licensure
Certification and licensure can be somewhat complex in Florida. Information is available below including links to relevant websites.

Employment as a school psychologist in a Florida school requires certification through the Florida Department of Education as a School Psychologist.

Information regarding the steps to certification for Florida educators can be found through the following link: http://www.fldoe.org/edcert/pathways.asp.

Information regarding the Florida Teacher Certification exam (including how to apply and testing dates) can be accessed through the following link: www.fldoe.org/asp/ftce/. For more information regarding the specialization requirements for Certification in School Psychology, see www.fldoe.org/edcert/rules/6A-4-0311.asp.

For information regarding the National Certification Program for School Psychologists (NCSP), see http://nasponline.org/certification/index.aspx.

School psychologists in Florida may be eligible for School Psychology Licensure, which allows for employment in an agency outside of the public schools or in private practice. School Psychology licensure is provided through the Department of Health, Division of Medical Quality Assurance. Criteria include obtaining the appropriate degree(s), completing 3 years of supervised experience as a school psychologist, and receiving a passing score on the School Psychology specialty area exam administered by the Educational Testing Service. For more information regarding licensure, see http://www.floridahealth.gov/licensing-and-regulation/index.html.

Finally, school psychologists holding a doctoral degree may be eligible for the general Psychology Licensure. For more information, see http://floridaspsychology.gov/

For more information specific to obtaining school psychology licensure please go to http://www.floridahealth.gov/licensing-and-regulation/school-psychology/index.html

Even more information for those new to the profession - Credentialing Process for Beginning School Psychologists and Credentialing for School Psychologists in Florida

Information on licensure in other states is provided through the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) at: http://www.nasponline.org/certification/state_info_list.aspx


FASP's Internship Standardization Process

Internship Guide
Students, are you interested in information regarding internships? If so, don't miss our Internship Guide! The guide indicates which counties have internships, names and numbers for the contact person, and all of the perks regarding each. (view | download)


FASP is honored to offer the following recording of Rhonda Said's heavily attended and always appreciated presentation on Preparing for Your School Psychology Internship. A special thanks to Rhonda Said, Nova Southeastern University, and the Training & Credentialing Committee for making this a possibility.

Florida's Training Programs in School Psychology
Florida currently has 8 school psychology training programs. Contact information and links to the training programs are as follows: